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This web-based application will allow you to create documents of your choice, revise them as frequently as you would like, view all revisions in HTML format and store them for later work. You may also search across documents for keywords (bottom box). There is also search for document name (top box), if you know any part of the name. This includes a regex search





The home screen is a simple form with one data input line called: My topic, and two controls: 1) View/Edit option (only one can be selected at a time) and 2) "revision" check box. When "revisions" is checked, it is intended to view only, so even if you have selected Edit + revisions, your next screen presents the revisions for the topic entered, for the purpose of view only.


In addition to selecting topic by typing its name, you may select a topic that was recently edited, via the drop-down box which is underneath the "Topic Name" box.

The recent edit list gets updated after a new revision of a topic is saved (or a brand new topic with its first revision of course).

If there is a topic in the Topic Name box, and the user selects from the 'recent' list, the topic from the recent list will be displayed, and upon return 'home', that newly selected topic will be displayed in the Topic Name input box. The same is true for edit. In other words, selecting from the 'recent' list takes precedence over the value entered in the topic name box.


There is another option, which is the SEARCH option. On the right hand-side of the screen you can type a keyword in the text box and hit the <SEARCH> button.


Another way to select a topic, is to choose it from the 'Popular topic' list and press GO. That can also be combined with View/Edit or revisions (usage is on the screen)


One more item is the Photo upload button. This button takes the user to a very simple screen (HTML based) that allows to upload photos from the user's PC to the server.


DATA persistence


I try not to disturb the user by forcing him/her to enter data unnecessarily, so for that reason, many times data values are carried between screens. For instance, if we perform a search across topics and return HOME, the last searched keyword is still displayed in the search box. There are too numerous instances of this type to mention in this small handbook, however, by using the application, it will become apparent that this convenient feature is there.









HOME screen



The possible actions are:                               will display


a. View + existing topic                              Hit <submit> | HTML of the most recent revision

b. View + none existing topic                         Hit <submit> | error message

b. Edit + existing topic                              Hit <submit> | Text (edit) of the most recent rev.

c. Edit + none existing topic                         Hit <submit> | Edit screen with empty text-area

d. view + existing topic + check mark in 'revisions'  Hit <submit> | Revisions list screen, to choose

e. View or Edit + topic selected from Recent Edits    Hit <submit> | Either Edit screen or view

f. Enter a keyword in the search field                Hit FIND     | HTML page with all links to topics

                                                                   | where the keyword is found.

g. View or Edit + topic selected from popular list                 | Either Edit screen or view for the

   and press: GO                                                   | topic selected from the list

h. A topic from the popular list + revision checked                | Revisions list screen, to choose

i. Upload photos                                                   | screen to facilitate photo upload

j. Existing topic and Hit <delete>                                 | Warning screen with OK or Cancel [OK deletes entire topic]



VIEW screen


This screen will show the text of the topic after all the interpretations discussed in the Edit screen, including the showing of images, bulleted lists etc. This screen has a button that allows the user to switch into 'Edit' mode, for the currently viewed document. We can also cancel from this screen and that takes us back to the home page.




EDIT screen



There are several conventions that allow the user to create various text (and image) effects. As per the initial rules, the symbols & < and > are converted to their HTML counter-parts. In order to make text bold, we have to surround it by asterisks: *bold text* and to italicize text we surround it by underscores: _This will show in italics_

A blank line gets interpreted into a <p></p>  HTML tags. In order to create a heading the line must start with three dashes, followed by 1 to 3 'plus' signs, followed by a space. Whatever comes after, on the same line is used as the heading. The number of pluses determines the size of the text, where 1 is the largest (H1), so: ---+ Heading will be interpreted as: <H1>Heading</H1>


Any reference to a topic that already exists (if any word in the content of a topic is a name of another topic), when viewing the page, that becomes a link, by which we could 'jump' to the view of that particular topic.


Bulleted list - in order to create a bulleted list, the user would designate a symbol that looks like this :x:  , where x can be 'c' (for circle), 'd' for disc or 's' for square. Those are the different symbols that can be used for the bulleted list. That sequence is on a separate line from other text. The following lines will each be a bullet and the list ends by having two slashes at the beginning of another new line. For example:



Tough economic times

World depression

social clashes




. Tough economic times

. World recession

. social clashes



Image support - In order to enter an image into a document, the code that needs to be added is  :img:url:here comes the complete url of the image:  (and ends with a coon)


Example  :img:url:



PREVIEW screen



This screen is displayed if after editing a topic the user selects 'preview'. It displays the text of the topic just edited with all the HTML interpretation (as described in the view page) and allows 3 actions: (1) cancel - Goes back to the 'edit' screen with the text intact in the text area box. (2) save Ð will save a new revision of the topic to the database. (3) save + provide an e-mail in the text box, will both save the revision and send an e-mail notification about the topic being edited to the address specified.





If the user checked off 'revisions' on the home page, a screen (this one) would be displayed, in which the topic is a 'read only' field and on the right hand side of the page, all the revisions of that topic, numbered from the highest (latest) revision down to zero (first revision).


On this screen there are three possible functions. The first is selecting one revision, and hitting 'view'. This will get that specific revision and will display it on a page called: REVISION VIEW. The button ÔrevisionsÕ from this page, will bring us back to the list of revisions (REVISIONS page), from which the user can select another revision to view.


The second function, allows us to select two revisions (if there are), and hit 'compare' , and this will bring us to a page that compares the two selected revisions side by side. See more on that in the 'COMPARE' screen description. No more than two revisions can be selected for comparison.


The third function is DELETE a revision. Select one or more revisions (any that's on the list) and press the delete button. If there are more revisions left for this topic, the page automatically updates the new list and their numbers to reflect the new number of revisions left. If, on the other hand, no more revisions are left, the topic is also removed and the application goes back to the home page, announcing the topic name that has been discarded.


Note that I do not update the 'recent edit' list upon delete. This is by design not forgetfulness, as many other apps (like MS Word), leave the history of documents opened. I do, however keep the recent list 'clean' of duplicates, and it contains up to 6 entries.



COMPARE screen



This page is activated when we compare two revisions of the same topic, as discussed under the REVISIONS screen.

It presents that two selected revisions, the older on the left and the newer on the right with their corresponding revision number (human readable not EPOCH time).

At the bottom of the page, an 'ed' script is added such that basically it can be run to move from the older revision to the newer. I used this method as a concise way to present the changes between revisions, granted those changes are not so dramatic (but more subtle such as versions of program codes).



SEARCH functions


The search takes the keyword and does a 'generic' search. In other words, even if the keyword is part of a word (string), that would be considered a match.


It searches across all topics and each and every revision of every topic (which can help identify at what point this text was added to the topic).


It returns back the topic and revision in which the keyword has been found. It also returns all the lines in which it appears (perhaps an overkill for a common search). It also returns the number of times a match occurred in the particular topic and for that revision.


The ranking of the search is simply by number of matches of the keyword (descending). I give more importance to documents where the keyword appears more than others (as do many search engines).


The displayed search, contain links to the appropriate topic and its relevant revision, so the user can immediately view that page.


If we follow one of the links of the search, it will bring us to the "revision view" because the search is refined to the level of revision. In that case, after viewing the 'found' topic/revision, upon 'cancel', the app would take us back to the list of revisions for the same topic. To view another topic/revision found through the search, we can always hit the browser's "back" button, as is the case with Google search.


The other type of search (with the top box) is in case the user remembers only part of the topic's name. This search will bring back a list of links to topics with names similar to the searched for string. If the user is familiar with regular expression, this becomes a powerful tool. For instance, to view a list of all topics type: .*  (all topics with zero or more characters as a name).




DELETE revisions

I allow the user to delete any revision of any topic (1 or more at a time). This feature is also on the screen called REVISIONS and described in more detail above.


DELETE entire topic

This option lets you (from the home page), delete an entire topic with all its revisions with one single operation. Since this is a powerful and potentially destructive (if erroneous), a confirmation screen is given. The confirmation allows the user to change her/his mind or to confirm the deletion.


Most POPULAR (viewed) topics

The way this feature works, on the home page there is a drop-down box, which displays the topic that has been viewed the most, a space, and the number of times the topic has been  viewed. The count of the views starts from 0 (in the spirit of Unix again), 0 means it has been viewed once.

I consider viewing in two cases: (1) view is requested specifically (not preview before save), and (2) A request to view a specific revision has been made. 

If the user presses the arrows, a list opens, and the list shows the topics in order of popularity of viewing (always accompanied by the number of times viewed). This list is dynamic and gets updated right after the viewing and returning to the home page.

The user can then select either Edit or View to go to the appropriate screen as described above. The user may also choose to check revisions for the popular topic selected and that, as expected, will display the revision list screen.


E-mail notification

I provide an optional input text field on the preview screen, right before an update is made to a new topic or a new revision of an existing topic. Since it is optional, I do not verify or validate this e-mail address, and I use /usr/bin/sendmail for this.


PHOTO Upload

A simple button on the home page takes us to an even simpler form that allows uploading a photo from the local PC to the server's images folder.




1) Does not allow to save the same revision more then once.


2) Providing a 'reset' button to erase the last thing typed before preview has been requested on
   the EDIT page.


3) When a topic is viewed, on the top right hand corner the last modification date/time is
